


电子与封装 ›› 2021, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (10): 100103 . doi: 10.16257/j.cnki.1681-1070.2021.1008

所属专题: 微系统与先进封装技术

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  1. 安似科技上海有限公司,上海 100086
  • 收稿日期:2021-04-25 出版日期:2021-10-26 发布日期:2021-09-22
  • 作者简介:褚正浩(1985—),男,河南焦作人,学士,研究方向为芯片、封装及系统协同仿真技术。

Research on CPS Simulation Technology of2.5D/3D Chip

CHU Zhenghao, ZHANG Shuqiang, HOU Minggang   

  1. Ansys China, Shanghai100086, China
  • Received:2021-04-25 Online:2021-10-26 Published:2021-09-22


2.5D/3D芯片包含Interposer/硅穿孔(Through Silicon Via, TSV)等复杂结构,通过多物理场仿真可以提前对2.5D/3D芯片的设计进行信号完整性(Signal Integrity, SI)、电源完整性(Power Integrity, PI)及可靠性优化。总结了目前2.5D/3D芯片仿真进展与挑战,介绍了基于芯片模型的Ansys芯片-封装-系统(CPS)多物理场协同仿真方法,阐述了如何模拟芯片在真实工况下达到优化芯片信号完整性、电源完整性以及优化散热方式、提高结构可靠性的设计目标,并进行电热耦合、热应力耦合分析,指出了仿真技术的未来发展方向。

关键词: 2.5D/3D芯片, 芯片-封装-系统, 多物理场, 仿真, Ansys

Abstract: The 2.5D/3D IC contains complex structures such as interposer/ through silicon via (TSV), the signal integrity (SI), power integrity (PI) and reliability optimization. 2.5D/3D IC design can be performed in advance through multiphysics simulation. The current progress and challenges of 2.5D/3D chip simulation are summarized, and the Ansys chip-package-system (CPS) multiphysics co-simulation method based on chip model is introduced. How to simulate the condition of the chip in the real environment during simulation design to optimize the SI and PI performance of the chip, optimize the heat dissipation, and improve the reliability of design is introduced. Electro-thermal coupling and thermal stress coupling are analyzed, and the future development direction of simulation technology is discussed.

Key words: 2.5D/3Dchip, chip-package-system, multiphysics, simulation, Ansys
