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  1. 1. 湖南国芯半导体科技有限公司,湖南 株洲  412001;2. 湖南省功率半导体创新中心,湖南 株洲  412001
  • 收稿日期:2024-11-20 修回日期:2025-01-13 出版日期:2025-02-13 发布日期:2025-02-13
  • 通讯作者: 王仙翅

Research on Welding and Gold Wire Bonding Process of IPM Packaging Modules

WANG Xianchi1,2, LIU Hongwei1,2, LIU Xiaopeng1,2, CAI Zhao1,2, ZHU Liangliang1,2, DU Longchun1,2   

  1. 1. Coresing Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd., Zhuzhou 412001, China; 2. Hunan Power Semiconductor Innovation Center, Zhuzhou 412001, China
  • Received:2024-11-20 Revised:2025-01-13 Online:2025-02-13 Published:2025-02-13

摘要: 在IPM模块制备过程中,焊接质量和金线键合质量直接影响IPM模块性能。研究了焊接工艺参数对Pb92.5Sn5Ag2.5真空回流焊接质量的影响,以及键合工艺参数对金线键合性能的影响,并对焊接和金线键合工艺进行优化,制备了一款IPM模块,并对其进行双脉冲测试。研究结果表明,活化温度和时间、回流区升温时间、回流温度和时间、降温速率等焊接参数都对焊接质量有规律性影响。优化焊接工艺后焊层空洞率均值约为3.8%,剪切强度均值为32.15 MPa,表现出良好的焊接质量。优化金线键合工艺后,键合金线的键合压球尺寸和厚度均值分别为85.2 µm和19.1 µm,剪切强度均值为42.5 gf,金线的拉力均值为21.4 gf,键合质量良好。双脉冲测试结果表明,基于优化工艺制备的IPM模块性能良好。

关键词: IPM模块, 焊接工艺, 金线键合

Abstract: The welding quality and gold wire bonding quality have a direct impact on the performance of IPM modules during the preparation process. In this paper, the influence of welding process parameters on the quality of vacuum reflow soldering of Pb92.5Sn5Ag2.5 and the effect of bonding process parameters on the bonding performance of gold wires are studied. An IPM module is prepared after the welding and gold wire bonding processes are optimized, then, this module is subjected to dual pulse testing. The research results show that the welding parameters such as activation temperature and time, reflow zone heating time, reflow temperature and time, and cooling rate have a regular impact on welding quality. The average porosity of the weld layer is about 3.8% and the average shear strength is 32.15Mpa under the optimized welding process (activation temperature and time of 280 ℃/30 s, reflow zone heating time of 40 s, reflow temperature and time of 350 ℃/40 s, cooling rate of 4 ℃/s), demonstrating good welding quality. Under the optimized gold wire bonding process (ultrasonic power of 80 mA, bonding pressure of 50 gf, bonding time of 20 ms, bonding temperature of 80 ℃), the average size and thickness of the bonding balls are 85.2 µm and 19.1 µm, respectively, the average shear strength is 42.5 gf and the average tensile strength of the gold wires is 21.4 gf, and the bonding points have a full crescent shape, indicating good bonding quality. Furthermore, it is once again proven that the IPM module prepared based on the optimized process described above has good performance after double pulse testing.

Key words: IPM module, welding, gold wire bonding