


电子与封装 ›› 2021, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (10): 100101 . doi: 10.16257/j.cnki.1681-1070.2021.1006

所属专题: 微系统与先进封装技术 封装技术

• “微系统与先进封装技术”专题 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国航天宇航元器件工程中心,北京 100094
  • 收稿日期:2021-08-20 出版日期:2021-10-26 发布日期:2021-09-30
  • 作者简介:张伟(1982—),男,河北秦皇岛人,博士,高级工程师,长期从事宇航元器件总体设计、需求规划、微系统保证等方面的技术研究工作。

Development Trend of Microsystem and Technical Challenges Faced byAerospace Applications

ZHANG Wei, ZHU Ming, LI Peilei, QU Ruoyuan, JIANG Maogong   

  1. China AerospaceComponents Engineering Center, Beijing100094, China
  • Received:2021-08-20 Online:2021-10-26 Published:2021-09-30

摘要: 近年来,微系统技术作为延续摩尔定律的重要解决方案发展迅猛,各种新的设计理念、先进封装结构以及集成技术层出不穷,极大地提升了各类电子系统的功能与性能。由于微系统在功能性能提升、体积减小等方面的巨大技术优势,在宇航装备研制领域同样对微系统表现出迫切需求。但是由于其微小型化、高度功能集成、大量采用新设计、新工艺以及新材料等特点,在可靠性要求较高的宇航领域应用将面临诸多技术挑战。从微系统设计开发方式、结构特点、封装集成方式、可靠性保证手段等角度分析了当前微系统技术的发展趋势,结合宇航应用要求,提出了后续微系统宇航应用的相关建议。

关键词: 微系统, 新设计, 新工艺, 新材料, 宇航应用

Abstract: In recent years, as an important solution to continue Moore’s Law, microsystem technology has developed rapidly. A variety of new design, advanced packaging structures and integration technologies emerge in endlessly, which has greatly improved the functional performance and volume reduction of electronic systems, there is an urgent demand for microsystem in the field of aerospace equipment development. However, due to its miniaturization, high functional integration, a large number of new designs, new processes and new materials, its application in the aerospace field with high reliability requirements will face many technical challenges. The current development trend of microsystem technology from the perspectives of microsystem design and development mode, structural characteristics, packaging and integration mode reliability assurance means is analyzed. Combined with the requirements of aerospace application, relevant suggestions for the follow-up aerospace application for microsystem is put forward.

Key words: microsystem, newdesign, newprocess, newmaterial, aerospaceapplication
