


电子与封装 ›› 2025, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (2): 020201 . doi: 10.16257/j.cnki.1681-1070.2025.0021

• 封装、组装与测试 •    下一篇



  1. 武汉光迅科技股份有限公司,武汉? 430205
  • 收稿日期:2024-09-12 出版日期:2025-02-27 发布日期:2025-02-27
  • 作者简介:李长安(1983—),男,湖北十堰人,硕士,高级工程师,主要从事光电器件结构设计工作。

Solder Life Prediction under TEC Power-on/off Conditions

LI Chang´an, PANG Deyin, YU Yu, QUAN Benqing, YANG Yuxiang   

  1. Accelink Technologies Co., Ltd,Wuhan 430205, China
  • Received:2024-09-12 Online:2025-02-27 Published:2025-02-27

摘要: 为了研究TEC在高低温通断电实验中发生焊点开裂的问题,采用有限元分析方法分析了TEC焊点在通断电时的热应力,应力分析结果表明,通断电会使得上焊点经历更多次的高低温循环,温度循环在焊点上产生交替变化的热应力,且上焊点的热应力变化比下焊点大,从而导致上焊点更容易发生疲劳开裂。将高温和低温下的各1次通断电等效为1次高低温循环,计算了每次高低温循环中上焊点的蠕变应变能密度,基于蠕变应变能密度,预测了TEC通断电情况下上焊点的寿命,预测的通断电次数对评估TEC服役寿命具有参考意义。

关键词: 关键词:TEC, 焊点, 热疲劳寿命, 有限元分析方法

Abstract: In order to study the problem of solder joint cracking in TEC during high and low temperature power on/off experiments, finite element analysis method was used to analyze the thermal stress of TEC solder joints during power on/off. The stress analysis results showed that power on/off would cause the upper solder joint to undergo more high and low temperature cycles, and temperature cycles would produce alternating thermal stress on the solder joint. Moreover, the thermal stress change of the upper solder joint was greater than that of the lower solder joint, resulting in the upper solder joint being more prone to fatigue cracking. By equating one power on/off cycle at high and low temperatures to one high and low temperature cycle, the creep strain energy density of the upper solder joint in each cycle was calculated. Based on the creep strain energy density, the life of the upper solder joint under TEC power on/off conditions was predicted. The predicted number of power on/off cycles has reference significance for evaluating the service life of TEC.

Key words: TEC, solder jiont, thermal fatigue life, finite element analysis
